Only Metamask wallet supports ETL, so make sure Etherlite Mainnet is selected on Metamask

Not found presale!

Please Note: 250 x1COBS = 1 COBS, once you purchase the x1COBS we’ll be crediting the COBS as per the total quantity of x1COBS you purchased.
This has been done due to the drop in the price of ETL, as it was not possible to trade 1 ETL = 0.004 COBS in our presale.

Contract Number of COBS: 0xCF8a26c4ea513f04Ff2a4dd6b2F779776AEc5f9F
Contract Number of x1COBS: 0x6c07ec51860270874a072C401443EAEa9b70F02f

How to add Etherlite Mainnet to Metamask :>